Author name: Sai Prasad Krishnamurthy

Accounting Basics, Accounting Process, BigData, Process Automation, Tax Automation, Tax Strategy, Tax Technology Startup, Tech Startup

Automating the cumbersome Tax Reconciliation process at large scale

We at TaxReco are mainly focused on automating the cumbersome Tax Reconciliation process at large scale through a simple, unified and standard workflows and improving the productivity of our customers.

Tax Reconciliation is a complex technical problem to solve especially at large scale.

Much of the complexity lies in the following areas at a high level.

Tax Technology Startup, Tech Startup

Idea To Market

TaxReco would like to share our experiences on our product evolution and our technology’s critical role to be a catalyst to evolve our product based on our customer needs. I will try to document our journey so far and break this down into milestones and, more importantly, the challenges in terms of technology and the critical architectural/design decisions we took to overcome those. Here are the steps our product has gone through – stages of evolution.

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